The Conference

The 5th European Coastal Lagoon Symposium (5th EUROLAG) will be held at the University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal from July 25 to July 30 under the general theme “Coastal Lagoons in a Changing Environment: Understanding, Evaluating and Responding” and presentations will cover six main topics. Each main topic will be introduced by keynote speakers presentations.

The official language of the meeting is English and all the accepted abstracts will be reproduced in the Conference book. A special issue of Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science is meant to be produced with selected manuscripts. Interested authors are strongly encouraged to produce papers of wide scientific interest.

Reception of delegates and the icebreaker are scheduled to July 25th. The detailed program will be available later. During the symposium week, besides poster sessions, oral presentations and workshops, a boat in the lagoon of Aveiro and a social dinner (optional) will also take place.

May 8th is a very important date to remember: It is the deadline for the early registration at a reduced price and the deadline for abstract submission.

An innovative aspect of the conference is the organization of a series of interactive workshops on current themes and hot topics. The workshops will be briefly introduced (<5 mins) during the plenary sessions by their proposers and the aim will be to allow a smaller set of participants to discuss the topic. The main points will be captured in a discussion document which, in some cases, could form the basis for a paper to be submitted for the conference special issue of Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. In particular, we want to give junior researchers and postgraduates the chance to interact with more senior and experienced researchers and thus the discussions will bein a friendly and informal setting. Some of the discussions will be as a brainstorming session around a white board/flip chart/computer projection system. The conclusions of the workshop will then be briefly (<5mins) reported back to the plenary session of the conference.

We have already some interesting proposals and if you are interested in organizing a workshop, please e-mail your intention with a brief description text to

We will gladly welcome you next July in Aveiro for an exciting, but surely relaxing EUROLAG symposium.


- Scientific Publishing: writing and refereeing
- Stable isotopes and fatty acids in food web studies
- Ecosystem health: concepts and assessment methods and relationship to management
- A hidden world below our feet - the subsurface of coastal sediments

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